Monika Egli-Alge, M.Sc.; 1958

Monika Egli-Alge, M.Sc., is a forensic psychologist and psychotherapist and the Founder of forio. She has a vast range of experience in outpatient psychiatric and psychotherapeutic treatment of children, young people and families, as well as inpatient care of adults with intellectual disability. Forio provides also forensic therapies in prisons with perpetrators. Since 2006 forio runs a prevention-programm for men with a sexual preference for childrens and adults – Kein Täter werden.

From the early 1990s onwards Egli-Alge has been a key practitioner in the development of treatment for sex offenders. In 2002 she an her teams developed the first treatment for sex offenders with intellectual disabilities in the German speaking regions. Two years later Monika Egli-Alge founded forio. Egli-Alge has published a number of academic outputs and has a track record of national and international conference presentations. She is a member of the Scientific Advisory Boards for the Institute of Sexology and Sexual Medicine, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Germany), boardmember of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Prävention und Intervention bei Kindesmisshandlung, -vernachlässigung und sexueller Gewalt DGfPI and member of ATSA.

Forio as an independent Institut make survey reports (perpetrators and credibility), Egli-Alge is responsible for that. In cooperation with universities of applied siences, Egli-Alge is envolved in education and with partners in Germany and Austria, Egli-Alge is envolved in preventionissues.

Monika Egli-Alge has 2 adult sons

Monika Egli-Alge, 2023