Dr Euan Hails

Dr Euan Hails is employed as the Consultant Nurse for S-CAMHS at Aneurin Bevan University Health Board. He has extensive experience in providing cognitive behavioural, psychosocial interventions and family work to individuals with psychosis and their families/carers. Euan has extensive experience in developing accredited skills based courses designed to enable mental health workers to develop skills in psychological interventions notably; CBT, CBTp and family work. Euan has worked in the UK, Ireland and Australia and delivered skills based training, clinical intervention packages and service developments, notably first accredited CBT training course in NSW, Australia and first Case Management Team in the UK. He is currently developing At Risk Mental State and Early Intervention Psychosis Services locally and nationally as the First Episode Psychosis Lead at the 1000LIVES I mental health section at Public Health Wales, Welsh Government. He also represents Wales at the UK wide IRIS Early Interventions Leads Committee and is the Welsh Lead for the Counselling in Prisons Network and a Trustee of the CPN Charity. Euan sits on a number of Welsh Government task forces leading on the development of S-CANHS in Wales. He is the Chair of the HAFAL ‘Let's Talk about Psychological Therapies’ project. Euan was an Adjunct Professor of Mental Health Nursing at Charles Sturt University, a Visiting Associate Clinical Professor in Mental Health Nursing, University of Wollongong, Australia and a Senior Lecturer at The School of Medicine, Swansea University. In 2012 he was awarded his Doctor of Education from the School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University.